Thursday, December 13, 2007

There's a Certain AD on Blogsplot that's....

I was reading articles on my copy of the North American Hunter's Club, when one article caught my eye. It was called "Dog Food Secrets". I thought that it would be an informative item to read. It turned out to be an advertisement, and a very LONG one indeed! As a matter of fact, the article oveflowed to Blogsplot. So I thought that I would put my post over here, since I was already here, about that long weary ad.

The author claims that only 9 brands of dog food is safe to serve your dog. And he keeps on repeating that over and over again. He claims that your dog is being fed putrid road kill and euthanised dogs and cats. His claim is that the chemical that they use to put the pet to sleep, doesn't break down, and after a while, when your pet is being fed that commercial dog food, the chemical is cumulative, and will drastically reduce your pets longevity, if not making it become very sick before then. He won't tell you what brands are safe. You have to pay for that! And then there are a long list of testimonials, and then he goes into recipe books that he's offering. If you read this, don't be tired, because it will put you to sleep!

I got the impression that the author was trying more than anything else to convince himself, rather than the reader, about what he was writing. It's like those long infommercials that you see on TV. They go on-and-on. Lots of words and double talk, but in the end they don't tell you anything. I guess that it just turned on my repulsion button. In the end, I was not compelled to buy the book. It had just the opposite effect on me. That's his problem when he was quoting how much it cost him to do the research, and to publish the book(s). No one asked him to do so.

Anyway, if you really love your pet, to be safe, start cooking for your four-legged companion. This way you'll know that it wasn't road kill or that your pet is turned into a cannibal by eating euthanised animals, full of the drug that made them pass-away. And don't bother buying the book. Save your money to buy good food your your pet instead.


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